
Hearn, Adam; Buzzi, Ann-Lea; Malin, Julius; Koehrsen, Jens (2024)Sustainable development through religious environmental engagement? Evidence from Switzerland”, in: Sustainable Development,

Hearn, Adam; Huber, Fabian; Koehrsen, Jens; Buzzi, Ann-Lea (2024) “The perceived potential of religion in mitigating climate change and how this is being realized in Germany and Switzerland”, in: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences,

Koehrsen, Jens; Burchardt, Marian (2024) “Religion and Development: Alternative Visions, Credibility, and Networks as Religious Assets for Sustainable Development?”, in:  Progress in Development Studies,

Koehrsen, Jens; Blanc, Julia; Huber, Fabian (ed.) (2023) Religious Environmental Activism: Emerging Conflicts and Tensions in Earth Stewardship,London: Routledge, (open access volume)

Koehrsen, Jens; Huber, Fabian (2021): A field perspective on sustainability transitions: The case of religious organizations. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 408-420.

Koehrsen, Jens; Blanc, Julia; Huber, Fabian (2021): How “green” can religions be? Tensions about religious environmentalism. In: Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, 1-22.

Koehrsen, Jens (2021) "Muslims and Climate Change: How Islam, Muslim Organizations and Religious Leaders influence Climate Change Perceptions and Mitigation Activities", in: WIREs Climate Change.

Huber, Fabian; Köhrsen, Jens (2021) "Religion und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit: Zwischen grünen Glaubensgemeinschaften und Ökospiritualität" ("Religion and Ecological Sustainability: Between Green Faith Communities and Eco-Spirituality"), in: Henkel, Anna; Wendt, Björn; Barth, Thomas; Block, Katharina; Böschen, Stefan; Dickel, Sascha; Görgen, Benjamin; Groß, Matthias; Köhrsen, Jens; Pfister, Thomas; Rödder, Simone; Schloßberger, Matthias (ed.): Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit (Sociology of Sustainability), Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 337-352.

Koehrsen, Jens, Huber, Fabian, Becci, Irene, and Blanc, Julia (2020) "How is Religion Involved in Transformations towards more Sustainable Societies? A Systematization." in: Historia Religionum 11, pp. 99-116.

Koehrsen, Jens (2020) "Muslim NGOs and the Quest for Environmental Sustainability", in: Heuser, Andreas; Koehrsen, Jens (ed.) Does Religion make a Difference? Religious NGOs in international development work, Zurich/Baden-Baden: Nomos, p. 327-348,

Huber, Fabian; Köhrsen, Jens (2020) "Das Ergrünen von Religionen. Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und religiöse Gemeinschaften" ("The Greening of Religions. Ecological Sustainability and Religious Communities"), in: Barth, Thomas; Henkel, Anna (ed.) 10 Minuten Soziologie: Nachhaltigkeit. Nachhaltigkeit als Bewahrung einer offenen Zukunft, Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 115-126.

Koehrsen, Jens (2019) "Innovationen in der Religion" ("Innovation in Religion"), in: Blättel-Mink, Birgit; Schulz-Schaeffer, Ingo; Windeler, Arnold (ed.) Handbuch Innovationsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1-17.

Koehrsen, Jens (2018) "Religious Agency in Sustainability Transitions: Between Experimentation, Upscaling, and Regime Support", in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 27, pp. 4-15,