This is a new easyWeb standard installation. It is still under construction. The content has to be entered yet.
Log in at https:// <DOMAIN> /typo3 to register your user. Now your user can be activated and authorized by a site admin. If you are a site admin yourself, contact the ServiceDesk ( support-its@clutterunibas.ch ). We will entitle you.
After your user is activated and authorized, you can log on to https:// <DOMAIN> /typo3 (with AAI).
Now you can enter the content. In case of any questions concerning the TYPO3 (backend) and the given possibilities, you can look here: https://easyweb.unibas.ch. If you need an introduction, please visit an easyWeb standard training, which will be offered regularly. You can find out more about the trainings here. You can also tell the ServiceDesk ( support-its@clutterunibas.ch ) that a training is needed, if there is no offer at the moment. We will organize additional trainings in case of sufficient inquiries.
Getting your website online:
- Usually you will get your easyWeb standard website with a temporary domain (e.g. redesign-...unibas.ch), since the actual domain is still used by the old website. As soon as you finished the content and want the new website to be callable with your actual domain, contact the ServiceDesk ( support-its@clutterunibas.ch ) to make an appointment to deactivate the old website and to switch the domain to your new website.
- If your easyWeb standard website already uses the correct domain, a site admin needs to deactivate the maintenance mode. This can be done in the modul Site-Configurator.
In case of technical problems or other questions, please contact the ServiceDesk ( support-its@clutterunibas.ch ).